Man with feather in his cap portrait

Man with feather in his cap portrait

Man with goose feather in his baseball cap

Man with goose feather in his baseball cap

I don’t visit Hoover Dam often during the winter. It’s too stark and void of people.

As the weather begins to change in early spring there is a hint of color along the eastern shoreline as flower buds and leaves appear in the treeline. The grey monotone of winter begins its slow evolution to the bright colored tones of spring. And, people arrive.

One of the earliest arrivals stood for me at the center of the dam for several minutes. I’d told him that I wanted a photo of him with his hat, the red shirt, his beard, and cigarette.

The only posing I did was to ask him to raise his head slightly to keep the brim of his hat from covering part of his face. His hand in his pocket, weight on one foot, and not looking at the camera are the natural positions his body fell into. It appears natural because it is. It’s not something I arranged, suggested, or manipulated.

Man with feather in his cap portrait - iPhone Hipstamatic Tintype

Man with feather in his cap portrait – iPhone Hipstamatic Tintype

This photo took very little time because all the elements are natural. The posing, The light. The moment.

It’s great when so many necessary elements for a good photo happen organically. When the natural order of the elements presents themselves in a way that is pleasing and interesting.

Of course I had to shoot him the the iPhone Hipstamatic Tintype FilmPak.

Second floor street scene, with sign painter

Second floor street scene, with sign painter

Uptown Westerville Amish Original Furniture sign painter

Uptown Westerville Amish Originals Furniture sign painter

I’ve a slightly long story about an AP photo stringer assigned to shoot a standalone feature photo of  windy weather on the streets of downtown Columbus.

This was quite a while ago when newspapers ran more feature photos and The AP supplied an ample stream of standalone photos for newspaper editors to use for filler on open pages or to squirrel away for the day when the paper needed to fill the news hole, usually on the same day the food advertisements ran or the Sunday paper.

Some standalones could be held because they weren’t tied directly to a news event that would be too old to use in several days. The usual fare for this type of photo were kids, animals, sunsets, weather, or just plain silly moments.

The stringer’s assignment was to find a nice feature photo of someone being affected by the strong winds bringing a storm into central Ohio. Didn’t need something spectacular although that was always the underlying and unspoken goal of any photo shoot.

“Shoot for the front page.”

After about an hour the stringer returned explaining that it was windy, but he couldn’t find a good photo. Not even a photo that might have played on an interior page. He’d failed, and was embarrassed.

To shorten the story all you need to know is I went to almost the same location from where the stringer had just left. I spent less than five minutes and returned with a photo of someone using a parking meter to prevent themselves from being blown into the street.

Now the stringer  was even more embarrassed , and I didn’t let him forget that I’d sent him out on a simple photo assignment where he’d spent more than an hour and failed.

I’d spent five minutes and shot a photo that played in every major daily in the state and several out of state dailies.

I’ve always said that I’m very luck finding more than ordinary photos in ordinary events. Today was no different. My trip to Uptown Westerville was supposed to be brief. Just long enough to check on my photos at the Ohio Art Market before traveling to St. Paul Church for another photo for the 40 Days of Lent series.

It was unusual to see several unoccupied parking spots on State when I realized they were empty because a construction van had just pulled into one of the three and had cleared the orange cones from the other two. The van belonged to a sign company which would be using a bucket arm for a painter to finish the new sign over Amish Originals Furniture Company.

It was a great opportunity for a standalone feature photo depending upon how the arm would be positioned and what part of the sign was going to be touched up. Shot outside first as he painted a lower section. When he began to move the arm higher to position it so he could paint the top of the sign I knew I’d have to run to the rear of the recently redecorated store and then to the front to have enough time to move furniture so I’d have to open a window, thrust my camera out and up as far and high as my short arms would reach for a photo. There was enough room to lean out the window, but it was just low enough that I would still have to stretch in a very uncomfortable position and get no higher than my outstretched arm would reach.

lent-stained-blass-window-2013-03-27-0114Still, in about five minutes including running through the store, I got a different angle of Uptown Westerville. Using luck and that unusual ability I have to discover these simple moments.

At right is the new stained glass window in the front of the church. Will have to wait until they change the lighting behind it or carry a strobe and remote to shoot it properly lit. It is slightly distorted because it is so high on the wall and I a l;arge hanging light makes it impossible to shoot without standing almost directly underneath it.

Second floor street scene, with sign painter

Second floor street scene, with sign painter

Uptown Westerville Amish Original Furniture sign painter

Uptown Westerville Amish Originals Furniture sign painter

I’ve a slightly long story about an AP photo stringer assigned to shoot a standalone feature photo of  windy weather on the streets of downtown Columbus.

This was quite a while ago when newspapers ran more feature photos and The AP supplied an ample stream of standalone photos for newspaper editors to use for filler on open pages or to squirrel away for the day when the paper needed to fill the news hole, usually on the same day the food advertisements ran or the Sunday paper.

Some standalones could be held because they weren’t tied directly to a news event that would be too old to use in several days. The usual fare for this type of photo were kids, animals, sunsets, weather, or just plain silly moments.

The stringer’s assignment was to find a nice feature photo of someone being affected by the strong winds bringing a storm into central Ohio. Didn’t need something spectacular although that was always the underlying and unspoken goal of any photo shoot.

“Shoot for the front page.”

After about an hour the stringer returned explaining that it was windy, but he couldn’t find a good photo. Not even a photo that might have played on an interior page. He’d failed, and was embarrassed.

To shorten the story all you need to know is I went to almost the same location from where the stringer had just left. I spent less than five minutes and returned with a photo of someone using a parking meter to prevent themselves from being blown into the street.

Now the stringer  was even more embarrassed , and I didn’t let him forget that I’d sent him out on a simple photo assignment where he’d spent more than an hour and failed.

I’d spent five minutes and shot a photo that played in every major daily in the state and several out of state dailies.

I’ve always said that I’m very luck finding more than ordinary photos in ordinary events. Today was no different. My trip to Uptown Westerville was supposed to be brief. Just long enough to check on my photos at the Ohio Art Market before traveling to St. Paul Church for another photo for the 40 Days of Lent series.

It was unusual to see several unoccupied parking spots on State when I realized they were empty because a construction van had just pulled into one of the three and had cleared the orange cones from the other two. The van belonged to a sign company which would be using a bucket arm for a painter to finish the new sign over Amish Originals Furniture Company.

It was a great opportunity for a standalone feature photo depending upon how the arm would be positioned and what part of the sign was going to be touched up. Shot outside first as he painted a lower section. When he began to move the arm higher to position it so he could paint the top of the sign I knew I’d have to run to the rear of the recently redecorated store and then to the front to have enough time to move furniture so I’d have to open a window, thrust my camera out and up as far and high as my short arms would reach for a photo. There was enough room to lean out the window, but it was just low enough that I would still have to stretch in a very uncomfortable position and get no higher than my outstretched arm would reach.

lent-stained-blass-window-2013-03-27-0114Still, in about five minutes including running through the store, I got a different angle of Uptown Westerville. Using luck and that unusual ability I have to discover these simple moments.

At right is the new stained glass window in the front of the church. Will have to wait until they change the lighting behind it or carry a strobe and remote to shoot it properly lit. It is slightly distorted because it is so high on the wall and I a l;arge hanging light makes it impossible to shoot without standing almost directly underneath it.

Second floor street scene, with sign painter

Second floor street scene, with sign painter

Uptown Westerville Amish Original Furniture sign painter

Uptown Westerville Amish Originals Furniture sign painter

I’ve a slightly long story about an AP photo stringer assigned to shoot a standalone feature photo of  windy weather on the streets of downtown Columbus.

This was quite a while ago when newspapers ran more feature photos and The AP supplied an ample stream of standalone photos for newspaper editors to use for filler on open pages or to squirrel away for the day when the paper needed to fill the news hole, usually on the same day the food advertisements ran or the Sunday paper.

Some standalones could be held because they weren’t tied directly to a news event that would be too old to use in several days. The usual fare for this type of photo were kids, animals, sunsets, weather, or just plain silly moments.

The stringer’s assignment was to find a nice feature photo of someone being affected by the strong winds bringing a storm into central Ohio. Didn’t need something spectacular although that was always the underlying and unspoken goal of any photo shoot.

“Shoot for the front page.”

After about an hour the stringer returned explaining that it was windy, but he couldn’t find a good photo. Not even a photo that might have played on an interior page. He’d failed, and was embarrassed.

To shorten the story all you need to know is I went to almost the same location from where the stringer had just left. I spent less than five minutes and returned with a photo of someone using a parking meter to prevent themselves from being blown into the street.

Now the stringer  was even more embarrassed , and I didn’t let him forget that I’d sent him out on a simple photo assignment where he’d spent more than an hour and failed.

I’d spent five minutes and shot a photo that played in every major daily in the state and several out of state dailies.

I’ve always said that I’m very luck finding more than ordinary photos in ordinary events. Today was no different. My trip to Uptown Westerville was supposed to be brief. Just long enough to check on my photos at the Ohio Art Market before traveling to St. Paul Church for another photo for the 40 Days of Lent series.

It was unusual to see several unoccupied parking spots on State when I realized they were empty because a construction van had just pulled into one of the three and had cleared the orange cones from the other two. The van belonged to a sign company which would be using a bucket arm for a painter to finish the new sign over Amish Originals Furniture Company.

It was a great opportunity for a standalone feature photo depending upon how the arm would be positioned and what part of the sign was going to be touched up. Shot outside first as he painted a lower section. When he began to move the arm higher to position it so he could paint the top of the sign I knew I’d have to run to the rear of the recently redecorated store and then to the front to have enough time to move furniture so I’d have to open a window, thrust my camera out and up as far and high as my short arms would reach for a photo. There was enough room to lean out the window, but it was just low enough that I would still have to stretch in a very uncomfortable position and get no higher than my outstretched arm would reach.

lent-stained-blass-window-2013-03-27-0114Still, in about five minutes including running through the store, I got a different angle of Uptown Westerville. Using luck and that unusual ability I have to discover these simple moments.

At right is the new stained glass window in the front of the church. Will have to wait until they change the lighting behind it or carry a strobe and remote to shoot it properly lit. It is slightly distorted because it is so high on the wall and I a l;arge hanging light makes it impossible to shoot without standing almost directly underneath it.

40 Days of Lent at St. Paul Catholic Church from the outside

40 Days of Lent at St. Paul Catholic Church from the outside

St. Paul Catholic Church exterior

St. Paul Catholic Church exterior

I’ve spent several weeks going to church every day. My mother and grandmother would be proud. My father would be as proud but wouldn’t talk about it very much. It wasn’t that he lacked faith. He was just glad to be alive after floating several days in the Mediterranean Ocean when his destroyer was sunk by a German torpedo plane. He paid back the favor of survival with good deeds, kind words, and no complaints.

My task isn’t necessarily one of faith. I’ve spent every day at church hoping to put together a series of photos that show some of the things that happen at St. Paul during the Easter season. I began on Ash Wednesday with a photo of a grandchild with the smoky sign of the cross on her forehead.

Today’s photo is an exterior to show the front of the church as it will never be seen again. At least, that’s the plan.

St. Paul Catholic Church stained glass

St. Paul Catholic Church stained glass

Workers tomorrow will install a new stained glass window in the middle circular window above the entrance. It will be dedicated to Father Lavelle who recently retired from the parish. The cost was borne by parishioners whose donations paid for the window. More than enough was raised so additional stained glass windows will be installed later.

Shot as a three frame 2-stop HDR image processed in Oloneo PhotoEngine and Photoshop.

I hope to be back tomorrow night about the same time for a photo of the new window shining brightly above the doorway.

To add to the Lenten collection, here’s an iPhone photo of stained glass from inside the church. It was shot with the Constructr app processed with Camera+.