Ready For Training

A Westerville firefighter walks from his vehicle to join other firefighters for a training exercise at the former Rouch Honda used car lot on 3C Highway in Blendon Township. My Final Photo for March 5, 2025.

A Westerville firefighter walks from his vehicle to join other firefighters for a training exercise at the former Rouch Honda used car lot on 3C Highway in Blendon Township. My Final Photo for March 5, 2025.

Read F8 - The My Final Photo Newsletter

Waiting For A Ride Home

Waiting For A Ride Home

Woody Steck checks the progress of his Uber ride while standing on the now empty for winter but still illuminated patio at Jimmy V’s In Uptown Westerville. My Final Photo for November 25, 2024.

Talking Turkeys

Talking Turkeys

St. John Community Kitchen volunteers gather frozen turkeys donated by St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church parishioners in an annual pre-Thanksgiving program to help fund the kitchen for the holidays. My Final Photo for November 24, 2024.

Hoover’s Busy Beaver

Hoover’s Busy Beaver

Beaver activity around the shoreline at Red Bank Marina shows early activity for building its nearby winter lodge along the shore of Hoover Reservoir despite the low water levels. My Final Photo for November 23, 2024.

Traveling Lights

Traveling Lights

The variety of headlight colors is reflected in a rainy intersection as I traveled to the grocery store for staples such as decongestant, expectorant, NSAID, and a variety of liquids. My Final Photo for November 22, 2024.

Winter Evening On The Farm

Winter Evening On The Farm

The colors at the end of a cold winter day settle over the Sharp Farmhouse, gazebo, and outbuildings. My Final Photo for November 22, 2024.

Open Sky Sunset

Open Sky Sunset

The storm’s trailing edge is lit by an open-sky sunset falling across the Yarnell Farm Barn, bringing the season’s first cold snap. My Final Photo for November 20, 2024.

Unhealthy Raccoon At Highlands

Unhealthy Raccoon At Highlands

Westerville Animal Control Officer Mary Dembiec retrieves a raccoon suspected to be suffering from distemper from the wetlands at Hoover Park, where it had been seen earlier in the day near the roadway. My Final Photo for November 19, 2024.

Wet Soybeans

Wet Soybeans

Farmer Rodney Parker pulls a tarp over his head to cover a partially filled grain wagon after a brief afternoon shower dampened the soybeans on the Braun Farm just enough to make them unharvestable, forcing an end to harvest until the rain ends and the fields again are dry. My Final Photo for November 18, 2024.

Moisture Testing The Old-Fashioned Way

Moisture Testing The Old-Fashioned Way

Farmer Kevin Scott, holding a moisture tester under his arm, uses the old-fashioned method of biting into a bean pod to test its moisture content as he tries to decide to continue harvesting beans on the Braun Farm property. My Final Photo for November 17, 2024.

Annehurst Invasion Impeded

Annehurst Invasion Impeded

About 50 volunteers, most from the Annehurst neighborhood, cleared honeysuckle and other invasives from the path leading into Sharon Woods Metro Park near Annehurst Elementary Saturday morning. My Final Photo for November 16, 2024

Cops, Coffee, and Chloe

Cops, Coffee, and Chloe

The staff at Family Room Coffee and Bake Shop pose with Westerville Police officers and Chloe, the department’s therapy dog, near the end of Coffee With Cops at the shop on South Otterbein Ave. My Final Photo for November 15, 2024.

Uptown Patio Flowers

Uptown Patio Flowers

A Mandevilla blossom stands out against the backdrop of lights on the patio at Jimmy V’s in Uptown Westerville. My Final Photo for November 14, 2024.

The Rock Of Winter

The Rock Of Winter

The late afternoon glow lights the horizon at Hoover Reservoir, where a rock exposed by the lake’s low waters is slowly encased in a layer of ice as the lake freezes in the low temperature. My Final Photo for January 9, 2025.

Reminder Of Warmer Times

Reminder Of Warmer Times

Light snow flurries fall across Jimmy V’s brightly lit closed patio, reminding frozen Uptown Westerville of warmer times, good food, and companionship. My Final Photo for January 8, 2025.

Christmas Lights Revealed In Snow

Christmas Lights Revealed In Snow

A set of Christmas lights reveal themselves, having melted their warm glow through the snow that covered them on the edge of a sidewalk in Uptown Westerville. My Final Photo for January 7, 2025.

Less Risky Sledding

Less Risky Sledding

Children, having chosen the smallest hill at Alum Creek Park North, enjoy their brief and less frightful sledding after the winter’s first significant snowfall. My Final Photo for January 6, 2025.

Nothing To Smile About

Nothing To Smile About

A frowning face appears in the ice and snow at the base of a cypress tree at Highlands Wetland, marking the beginning of a week of snow, wind, Arctic temperatures, and just plain foul weather, enough to put a frown on anyone’s face. My Final Photo for January 5, 2024.

Cold Afternoon. Hot Chocolate. Whipped Cream.

Cold Afternoon. Hot Chocolate. Whipped Cream.

A man holds the two cups of hot chocolate swirled whipped cream he took to his table to share with a companion on a cold winter afternoon in the warmth of Java Central. My Final Photo for January 4, 2025.

Holiday’s End

Holiday’s End

The last rake filled with detritus from the City Hall Holiday Tree is tossed into the recycling truck, marking a visible end to a portion of the holiday season in Uptown Westerville. My Final Photo for January 3, 2025.