Scattergories Of Friday Night Fun

A foursome, including one person recovering from surgery, plays Scattergories while listening to artists performing at open mic night at Java Central in Uptown.

A foursome, including one person recovering from surgery, plays Scattergories while listening to artists performing at open mic night at Java Central in Uptown.

Read F8 - The My Final Photo Newsletter

Replacing Walk/Don’t Walk

Replacing Walk/Don’t Walk

The intersection of Africa Road and County Line Road gets new polycarbonate crosswalk signals replacing the original aluminum signals that had reached end of life. My Final Photo for June 12, 2024.

Hay Field Striping

Hay Field Striping

Stripes of green freshly planted grasses between aged hay mark sections of the Sharp Farm hayfield which was recently tilled for soil studies on the land the city purchased more than a year ago for development. My Final Photo for June 11, 2024.

In His Homemade Wooden Boat

In His Homemade Wooden Boat

Doug Rudy sails his homemade wooden boat, Grace, onto the choppy waters of Hoover Reservoir on a windy and chilly Monday afternoon. My Final Photo for June 10, 2024.

Hoover Swallows

Hoover Swallows

A barn swallow turns to leave its nest after feeding the young birds born in its mud home on the ceiling walls of the pavilion on the east end of Hoover Dam. My Final Photo for June 9, 2024.

Market Bubble Mania

Market Bubble Mania

A young boy plays with bubbles blowing in the wind from the bubble machine in the youth corner of the Saturday Farmers Market in Uptown Westerville. My Final Photo for June 8, 2024.

The Afternoon Race

The Afternoon Race

Afternoon sailors run relaxed races in the stiff winds moving dynamic cloud structures over Hoover Reservoir. My Final Photo for June 7, 2024.

Presenting The Board The Board

Presenting The Board The Board

Serena Lehmann holds a fence board as her husband, Marc, explains to the Uptown Review Board his selection of the stain to be used if the board approves a fence behind their home. My Final Photo for June 6, 2024.

Seven Fishing. One Fishing Hole.

Seven Fishing. One Fishing Hole.

Seven fishing hopefuls line up along the short section of retaining wall below the dam at Alum Creek North, hoping their spot is the best location for the big one in the shallow waterways. My Final Photo for June 5, 2024.

Welcoming Hand Shakes

Welcoming Hand Shakes

Westerville Fire Chief Brian Miller, trailed by other members of the fire department, shakes hands with the three firefighters sworn-in at the beginning of City Council Tuesday night. My Final Photo for June 4, 2024.

Tarring The Cracks

Tarring The Cracks

Workers apply a hot tar mixture to cracks in the asphalt on South State Street as part of a maintenance program to prevent further cracking and erosion of the heavily traveled road. My Final Photo for June 3, 2024.

Corpus Christi Sunday

Corpus Christi Sunday

St. Paul parishioners follow Fr. Daniel Olvera, who is carrying a monstrance containing a consecrated host to lead the Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession around the church Sunday afternoon. My Final Photo for June 2, 2024.

Saturday Morning Red Pop

Saturday Morning Red Pop

Almost five-year-old Walter gnaws on the stubble of the “Too Good Eats” red pop in the shade of a tree at the Saturday Farmers Market in Uptown Westerville. My Final Photo for June 1, 2024.

Run In Morning Mist

Run In Morning Mist

Three runners pass the fog-shrouded Yarnell Farm soybean field below the barns as the sun rises over a low-hanging layer of clouds Saturday morning. My Final Photo for October 5, 2024.

Resting From The Ride

Resting From The Ride

A motorcyclist relaxes in his hammock stretched between trees at the Walnut Street boat ramp entrance at Hoover Reservoir. My Final Photo for October 4, 2024.

Out Of Bounds Fence Painting

Out Of Bounds Fence Painting

The safety fence along Cooper Road at the Westerville Golf Center gets a fresh coat of paint. My Final Photo for October 3, 2024.

Sign Of A Crash

Sign Of A Crash

Westerville Police investigate a crash Wednesday when a car turned too wide onto Brooksedge from Schrock and struck the brick sign in the median. My Final Photo for October 2, 2024.

Bridge Over Hoover Reservoir

Bridge Over Hoover Reservoir

A woman walks across a culvert section of the old, normally submerged Sunbury Road, which is now exposed because of the low water level at Hoover Reservoir. My Final Photo for October 1, 2024.

Rejection Hugs

Rejection Hugs

Opponents of a Westerville School Board policy allowing children to leave school for religious instruction hug after the board rescinded the policy Monday night. My Final Photo for September 30, 2024.

Infield Slide

Infield Slide

Jesse Allman records himself riding a skimboard across a puddle in the infield at the baseball field in Alum Creek Park North. My Final Photo for September 29, 2024.