Read F8 - The My Final Photo Newsletter
Snow Squall Stroll
Woman and child walk through a thick snow squall after leaving Koble Grill with leftovers Monday afternoon. My Final Photo for December 18, 2023.
Sculpture’s End
A young girl places her finger on a melting ice sculpture in Uptown Westerville to test its surface after warm weather and an overnight rain shortened the life span of the once-a-year frozen attractions. My Final Photo for December 17, 2023.
Buckeye Christmas
A family makes an extra effort to add to the Christmas cheer with a little Buckeye spirit as they pose for an O-H-I-O photo at the Brutus Buckeye ice sculpture at Jimmy V’s in Uptown Westerville. My Final Photo for December 16, 2023.
Headed To the Show
Ice sculptures destined for storefronts in Uptown Westerville are wheeled from the freezer truck to their ultimate destination. My Final Photo for December 15, 2023.
Rushing To Christmas
It was a blur of dancers performing in rehearsals Thursday night for Generations Performing Arts annual Christmas show at Cowan Hall at Otterbein University. My Final Photo for December 14, 2023.
Psychology of Lighting
Psychologist Mary Bricker stands at one of the windows in her second-floor offices in the Holmes Hotel where the stained-glass portions of her windows are illuminated with lights during the Christmas season. My Final Photo for December 13, 2023.
Steam Cleaning
A worker wearing a yellow slicker to try to keep himself dry while power washing paint from a Bob Evans in Westerville is enveloped in a cloud of steam and paint debris. My Final Photo for December 12, 2023.
Berries In Headlights
Ripe Hawthorn berries hang at the end of a branch in the light of cars traveling along West Main Street near Alum Creek. My Final Photo for December 11, 2023.
Santa’s Helper
A father helps his child push a letter into the over-stuffed Letters to Santa mailbox at Rotary Park in Uptown Westerville. My Final Photo for December 10, 2023.
Reflecting On Dance
A pair of Christmas-themed dancers are reflected in the practice hall mirror as they prepare for next weekend’s performances. My Final Photo for December 9, 2023.
Library Training
A pair of amateur model train enthusiasts watch “N” scale trains run their course in a room at the Westerville Public Library where the Columbus Area “N” Scalers set up its annual display. My Final Photo for December 8, 2023.
Alum Creek Sunset
A fisherman wades into the shallow waters beneath the Alum Creek North Park dam, hoping to catch his limit under the fading sunset sky. My Final Photo for December 7, 2023.

Fishing From The Shadows
A lone fisherman sits in the shade of a maple tree as he casts his lines into Hoover Reservoir. My Final Photo for June 25, 2024.

Large-Mouth Fishing
Mark Glenn casts for large-mouth bass in a pond secluded behind farm field and shrubs, with the water reflecting the fading light, hoping for a good catch as the sun sets behind him. My Final Photo for June 24, 2024.

Barefoot In the Park
Taking advantage of cooler temperatures and a slight breeze, one of RoxieJanes’ fans slipped off his shoes to enjoy an evening of music in the amphitheater at Alum Creek Park North. My Final Photo for June 23, 2024.

Wearing Their Pride
The Decker family, from left to right, Alyce, Katie, Blive, Kevin, and Aaren, pose for a photo wearing rainbow-colored clothing at the Pride celebration in the parking lot in front of Birdies Books on North State Street in Uptown Westerville. My Final Photo for June 22, 2024.

Making A Visual Record
Jesse Jay reaches to record his wife, Alivia, performing at Open Mike Night Friday at Java Central in Uptown Westerville. My Final Photo for June 21, 2024.

Cooler Time To Cut Hay
A farmer begins the hay cut near sunset for the cooler part of the day on the main field at the Sharp Farm property on Africa Road. My Final Photo for June 20, 2024.

Sunset Cast
A young angler wades into the water and prepares his line for casting below the lowhead dam at Alum Creek Park North in Westerville late on a hot summer afternoon. My Final Photo for June 19, 2024.