Read F8 - The My Final Photo Newsletter
Winter Farm Storage
The farm equipment used to plant, manage, and harvest crops from the Braun Farm and Otterbein properties in Westerville are now in their winter home, traditional farmland with barns now bordered by an interstate highway and housing developments. My Final Photo for December 6, 2023.
Traffic Blues
Afternoon commuters navigate through rain and slick roadways on I270 nearing Westerville. My Final Photo for December 5, 2023.
At The End Of Walnut
A woman stands at water’s edge on the eroded remnants of Walnut Street where it enters Hoover Reservoir which was created by Hoover Dam that flooded the road and houses near the dam. My Final Photo for December 4, 2023.
First On Main
The first racer to cross the finish line at the Rudolph Run 5K crosses State and Main in Uptown Westerville on the return loop of the course as other runners reach about one-fifth of the racecourse on the first loop. My Final Photo for December 3, 2023.
Too Calm To Sail
The last two sailors on Hoover return to the dock on still waters at the completion of an afternoon of friendly races that ended when the wind died to a breath of cool air. My Final Photo for December 1, 2023.
Santa’s Touch
Youngsters sitting on their parents’ shoulders watch as Santa in a bucket truck lights the City of Westerville Christmas Tree to begin the holiday season in the city. My Final Photo for December 1, 2023.
Idle At The End Of The Season
Equipment used to harvest hay, corn, and soybeans on a suburban plot of farm land sits idle at the end of the season in the hay field with an apartment building now occupying what once was farmland. My Final Photo for November 30, 2023.
Powering Away the Problem
A landscaper uses a large lawnmower with its deck lowered to move thick piles of leaves off grass and sidewalk along Maxtown Road to a collection point for removal. My Final Photo for November 29, 2023.
Final Harvest Wagon
A mound of corn tops a full grain wagon waiting for transfer to an elevator as the sun sets on the final minutes of harvest at the Braun Farm property in Westerville. My Final Photo for November 28, 2023.
Heritage Christmas
Heritage Park wears its annual Christmas season lights in trees, along paths and on the restored barn and house as the city prepares for the tree lighting and Christmas parade this coming weekend. My Final Photo for November 27, 2023.
Ready For Travel
A young boy watches as the Christmas tree his parent chose for their home is tied to the roof of their car for the trip home. My Final Photo for November 26, 2023.
It Was Game Time
A stylist and her client engage in multitasking at a salon by simultaneously watching the Ohio State-Michigan game on a cellphone propped on a shelf in the styling booth during the hair appointment. My Final Photo for November 25, 2023.

No Left Turn
A car sits in the inclined landscaping at the edge of Sheetz on Polaris in Westerville after being driven off partially closed Old Worthington Road. My Final Photo for June 18, 2024.

Not Painted Black
A worker applies paint stripper to the copper awnings at Jimmy V’s to remove black paint applied without approval from the city Uptown Review Board. My Final Photo for June 17, 2024.

Floating Fowl
Mary Ann Akin settles Ruby, one of her five chickens, on its perch in the front of her kayak as she launches into Hoover Reservoir from the landing at Twin Bridges on Red Bank Road. My Final Photo for June 16, 2024.

Family Fishing
A family fishes from the shade along the shoreline at Red Bank Park on Hoover Reservoir on a windless, warm Saturday afternoon. My Final Photo for June 15, 2024.

Senior Olympic Qualifier
A senior athlete twists his shoulders as he begins the hammer throw at the late afternoon national qualifier competition during the Ohio Senior Olympics at Otterbein University’s sports fields. My Final Photo for June 14, 2024.

The Best Downstream Seat
A fisherman sits on an upended five-gallon-bucket to fish the center of the Big Walnut Creek stream below Hoover Dam. My Final Photo for June 13, 2024.

Replacing Walk/Don’t Walk
The intersection of Africa Road and County Line Road gets new polycarbonate crosswalk signals replacing the original aluminum signals that had reached end of life. My Final Photo for June 12, 2024.