Yarnell Moon and Jupiter

The full moon and Jupiter break through an opening in a cloud layer, illuminating the sky beyond the Yarnell Farm barns. My Final Photo for December 14, 2024.
The full moon and Jupiter break through an opening in a cloud layer, illuminating the sky beyond the Yarnell Farm barns. My Final Photo for December 14, 2024.
Dave Lilley pauses on his evening rounds to get a closeup portrait with a member of a traveling troupe of shepherds and kings making their way toward a bright star in the sky close to the Church of the Messiah in Uptown. My Final Photo for December 13, 2024.
The stage manager for Generation Performing Arts Center dress rehearsal checks the phone she uses as a scheduling and timing device as dancers get into position for the next sequence of the Christmas show at Westerville Central High School. My Final Photo for December 12, 2024.
A Merry Christmas top hat decoration hangs at First Responders Park where tribute and Christmas greetings are paid to the city’s first responders who gave their lives performing their duties. My Final Photo for December 11, 2024.
Rainwater drips from Christmas lights hanging from the Old Bag of Nails awning in Uptown Westerville. My Final Photo for December 10, 2024.
Four-year-old Ira studies the movement of “N” scale trains making the rounds in a display at the Westerville Public Library, where the Columbus Area āNā Scalers set up its annual display. My Final Photo for December 9, 2024.