Friday Night Music and Friends

Friday Night Music and Friends

Jim Meadows performs in front of Middlefield Bank in Uptown Westerville Friday night where two women mistakenly identified as his groupies enjoy a laugh between themselves. My Final Photo for July 19, 2024.

Fishing Tourney Lineup

Fishing Tourney Lineup

Fishermen settle into open lanes, getting ready for the starting horn of the Thursday bass fishing tournament on Hoover Reservoir. My Final Photo for July 18, 2024.

Traffic Hand Signals

Traffic Hand Signals

A Westerville police officer directs traffic at County Line Road and North Spring after a brief but violent afternoon storm knocked out power to sections of the city. My Final Photo for July 17, 2024.

Phone and Fishing

Phone and Fishing

A fisherman checks his phone while waiting for his luck to change while fishing from the shore of Hoover Reservoir near Walnut Street. My Final Photo for July 16, 2024.

West College Apartments

West College Apartments

Railings for the four new apartments in a multi-use building are fastened into place on West College, where Ampersand restaurant will occupy the first floor. My Final Photo for July 15, 2024.

Puppy Rescue

Puppy Rescue

A young puppy wearing its personal flotation device is cradled in its owner’s arms after being rescued with its owner and two other kayakers from Hoover Reservoir Sunday afternoon after a severe thunderstorm moved across the lake. My Final Photo for July 14, 2024.

The Main Art Entrance

The Main Art Entrance

A spectator glances toward the art displayed at the first booth at the Main Street entrance to the Westerville Music and Arts Festival on Saturday morning. My Final Photo for July 13, 2024.

Centering The Tent

Centering The Tent

A pole puller aligns the center support for the tent built atop the small hill next to Everal Barn at Heritage Park for this weekend’s Westerville Arts and Music Festival. My Final Photo for July 12, 2024.

The Fisherman Returns

The Fisherman Returns

Westerville firefighters load their rescue boat on its trailer after finding a fisherman, at left, rear, who launched his boat from the trailer in the foreground and then absentmindedly went fishing, leaving the trailer and his running truck on the boat ramp on Hoover Reservoir Thursday. My Final Photo for July 11, 2024.

Wind Across Soybeans

Wind Across Soybeans

Strong southerly winds ripped across the soybean fields at Yarnell Farm early Wednesday morning as cooler and wetter weather came to central Ohio. My Final Photo for July 10, 2024.

Red Wagon Removal

Red Wagon Removal

Tom Schneider removes his train of red wagons from his front yard as he changes the humorous display of cows and wagons along Tussic Road. My Final Photo for July 9, 2024.

Hempstead Closed

Hempstead Closed

Road-closed barriers mark both sides of the creek where the city is replacing a culvert on Hempstead Road, causing the road to be closed until the end of summer. My Final Photo for July 8, 2024.

Sunday Concert In the Park

Sunday Concert In the Park

The Westerville Concert Band performs in the Alum Creek North Amphitheater, opening the July series of Sunday night concerts in the park. My Final Photo for July 7, 2024.

A Bubbly Attempt

A Bubbly Attempt

A young girl tries to blow bubbles with her small wand that matches the heavy flow of bubbles from the nearby electric bubble-blowing machine at the Saturday Farmers Market in Uptown Westerville. My Final Photo for July 6, 2024.

Sidewalk Performance

Sidewalk Performance

Musician Bob May accompanies himself on guitar while singing on the sidewalk in front of Middlefield Bank during Uptown Friday Night’s music concerts. My Final Photo for July 5, 2024.