Sunset Cast
A young angler wades into the water and prepares his line for casting below the lowhead dam at Alum Creek Park North in Westerville late on a hot summer afternoon. My Final Photo for June 19, 2024.
No Left Turn
A car sits in the inclined landscaping at the edge of Sheetz on Polaris in Westerville after being driven off partially closed Old Worthington Road. My Final Photo for June 18, 2024.
Not Painted Black
A worker applies paint stripper to the copper awnings at Jimmy V’s to remove black paint applied without approval from the city Uptown Review Board. My Final Photo for June 17, 2024.
Floating Fowl
Mary Ann Akin settles Ruby, one of her five chickens, on its perch in the front of her kayak as she launches into Hoover Reservoir from the landing at Twin Bridges on Red Bank Road. My Final Photo for June 16, 2024.
Family Fishing
A family fishes from the shade along the shoreline at Red Bank Park on Hoover Reservoir on a windless, warm Saturday afternoon. My Final Photo for June 15, 2024.
Senior Olympic Qualifier
A senior athlete twists his shoulders as he begins the hammer throw at the late afternoon national qualifier competition during the Ohio Senior Olympics at Otterbein University’s sports fields. My Final Photo for June 14, 2024.
The Best Downstream Seat
A fisherman sits on an upended five-gallon-bucket to fish the center of the Big Walnut Creek stream below Hoover Dam. My Final Photo for June 13, 2024.
Replacing Walk/Don’t Walk
The intersection of Africa Road and County Line Road gets new polycarbonate crosswalk signals replacing the original aluminum signals that had reached end of life. My Final Photo for June 12, 2024.
Hay Field Striping
Stripes of green freshly planted grasses between aged hay mark sections of the Sharp Farm hayfield which was recently tilled for soil studies on the land the city purchased more than a year ago for development. My Final Photo for June 11, 2024.
In His Homemade Wooden Boat
Doug Rudy sails his homemade wooden boat, Grace, onto the choppy waters of Hoover Reservoir on a windy and chilly Monday afternoon. My Final Photo for June 10, 2024.
Hoover Swallows
A barn swallow turns to leave its nest after feeding the young birds born in its mud home on the ceiling walls of the pavilion on the east end of Hoover Dam. My Final Photo for June 9, 2024.
Market Bubble Mania
A young boy plays with bubbles blowing in the wind from the bubble machine in the youth corner of the Saturday Farmers Market in Uptown Westerville. My Final Photo for June 8, 2024.
The Afternoon Race
Afternoon sailors run relaxed races in the stiff winds moving dynamic cloud structures over Hoover Reservoir. My Final Photo for June 7, 2024.
Presenting The Board The Board
Serena Lehmann holds a fence board as her husband, Marc, explains to the Uptown Review Board his selection of the stain to be used if the board approves a fence behind their home. My Final Photo for June 6, 2024.
Seven Fishing. One Fishing Hole.
Seven fishing hopefuls line up along the short section of retaining wall below the dam at Alum Creek North, hoping their spot is the best location for the big one in the shallow waterways. My Final Photo for June 5, 2024.