Seedling Sadness
A wilted eggplant seedling is pulled from a tray as volunteers fill tables and shelving with flower plants and vegetable seedlings for the Westerville Garden Club’s annual sale on the front lawn of the Masonic Lodge on South State Street. My Final Photo for May 10, 2024.
Rainbow Umbrella
After late afternoon storms, a pair of fishermen return to the docks at Hoover Reservoir under the umbrella of a rainbow in the eastern sky. My Final Photo for May 9, 2024.
Onto Calm Waters
A paddleboarder works his way to the open waters of Hoover Reservoir from the small inlet at Red Bank Marina late Wednesday afternoon. My Final Photo for May 8, 2024.
Third of Five Floors
The Galaxy, a multi-use apartment and business project being built on Ikea Way adjacent to Top Golf, has reached the third floor of five floors of apartments being built in the first phase of construction. My Final Photo for May 7, 2024.
Wetland’s Lilies
Wetlands Lilies – Warm weather brings the first showing of water lilies in the wetland at Highlands Park. My Final Photo for May 6, 2024.
Cinco De Mayo Shade
A man sits in the shade of a maple tree while his family fishes the waters of Alum Creek just below the dam at Alum Creek Park North in Westerville. My Final Photo for May 5, 2024.
Not The Droid They Were Looking For
A pair of Stormtroopers attempt to detain a suspected Rebel Alliance Droid during a brief break from inspecting vehicles at the Westerville Parks Drive-Thru Droid Checkpoint at the Community Center Saturday, May 4th. My Final Photo for May 4, 2024.
Uptown Grime Removal
A set of awnings is sprayed with water to remove debris and grime after they were power-washed Friday on West College Uptown Westerville. My Final Photo for May 3, 2024.
Father and son Afternoon Fishing
Father and son prepare their fishing gear for a late afternoon outing at Red Bank Park at Hoover Reservoir. My Final Photo for May 2, 2024.
Recycling Explanations
On The Shadowed Path
“Peace” At Last
An Amish Originals worker surveys the completed “Peace” mural on the side of the furniture store’s building in Uptown Westerville. My Final Photo for April 29, 2024.