Read F8 - The My Final Photo Newsletter
Soybean Sunset
Ripening soybeans on the Yarnell Farm are silhouetted against the Sunday sunset. My Final Photo for September 1, 2024.
Popping Protection
A splattering of popcorn, oil, and sugar coats the face shield of the head kettle popcorn popper at the Saturday Farmers Market in Uptown Westerville. My Final Photo for August 31, 2024.
Upside Down And In The Bushes
A Blendon Township police officer inspects a crashed car that landed in bushes beside Westerville Road after striking another vehicle. My Final Photo for August 30, 2024.
Wetlands Sunset
The setting sun strikes the horizon on the sports fields next to the wetlands at Highlands Park in Westerville. My Final Photo for August 29, 2024.
Hot Weather Workout
Two women stretch in the parking lot below Hoover Dam before running the stairs in near 100-degree temperatures. My Final Photo for August 28, 2024.
Creekside Class
An Otterbein University science class stands on the banks of Alum Creek after a lesson in the ecology of the stream that runs through Westerville. My Final Photo for August 27, 2024.
Summer Graduation Congratulations
Westerville Central summer graduate Kyon Hayman looks over his graduation certificate as his mother, Cierra Knight, grasps his hand after he received it in ceremonies at the Westerville School Board meeting Monday night. My Final Photo for August 26, 2024.
Instructions for the Night
A couple settles into their folding lawn chairs following instructions from the New Wave Nation performing at the Alum Creek Amphitheater Sunday night. My Final Photo for August 25, 2024.
Starting Something
Nurse Nee Nee of Good Medicine Productions pretends to be the starter for the mile run at Saturday’s Night of Hope fundraiser for the Westerville Education Challenge at Westerville North. My Final Photo for August 24, 2024.
Art On A Side Street
A toddler hands her mother the chalk after finishing her street art on East Park Street in an extension of Arts Alley on Fourth Friday. My Final Photo for August 23, 2024.
Laid Back Umpire
The volunteer umpire for an afternoon WYBSL scrimmage game leans against the backstop as the catcher chases a wild pitch at Huber Village Park. My Final Photo for August 22, 2024.
Quilted Musical Memories
Gary Puckett displays a guitar head quilt given to him by one of his students, marking their time together. My Final Photo for August 21, 2024.
Wetland’s Afternoon
A cool breeze blows clouds over Highlands Park wetlands where summer’s growth of water lilies begins to brown and fall’s splash of color begins. My Final Photo for August 20, 2024.
Field Trip
A field of soybeans rushes by on a fast golf cart trip through the Yarnell Farm fields late in the afternoon as late summer clouds darken the horizon. My Final Photo for August 19, 2024.
Majestic Williams Concert
Clouds seemingly inspired by the majesty of composer John Williams’s music move across the horizon as the Westerville Symphony performs a selection of Williams’s music in the Alum Creek Amphitheater as part of the Sunday Concert Series. My Final Photo for August 18, 2024.