Read F8 - The My Final Photo Newsletter
Racing Rowers
A kayaker steers away from a rapidly approaching Westerville Crew rowing boat practicing with other boats at Hoover Reservoir. My Final Photo for March 7, 2024.
Measuring Ups And Downs Uptown
Surveyor Matt Preston measures elevations and locations along West Main Street for the city which plans to lay new water mains in Uptown. My Final Photo for March 6, 2024
Distillery’s Doors
Carpenters finish attaching the second of two new doors to the south side of the old post office after the doorways were added to open onto a planned elevated patio to serve customers of High Bank Distillery. My Final Photo for March 5, 2024.
The Blues On Monday
Joseph Domanik plays blues on his Stratocaster while leaning on an oak tree still burdened with last summer’s leaves. Domanick decided his day off from work and the temperature in the low 70s at the start of March gave him good reason to sit in the afternoon sun at Red Bank Park even if to play the blues. My Final Photo for March 4, 2024.
Peaceful Sunday At The Lake
Brian Cooper and his 10-year-old daughter, Aleah, enjoyed a peaceful moment on the dock at the Hoover Walnut Boat Ramp, lounging in the lawn chairs he keeps in his car for spontaneous outings like this when the weather is nice and they have no other obligations. My Final Photo for March 3, 2024.
Saturday Cookies
Six-year-old Lucy Todd bites into a cookie as her brother, Mike, 3, chews on the cookie his parents got for them at the Cookie Walk in Uptown Westerville Saturday afternoon. My Final Photo for February 2, 2024.
Youngest Fish Fry Disciple
Six-year-old Benjamin Galio, the youngest and smallest server at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church’s Lenten fish fry pauses for a moment to smile and have his picture taken before serving another group of diners. My Final Photo for March 1, 2024.
Brick Walk Trees
Workers cover freshly poured concrete designed to be platforms for grating surrounding trees to be planted in the Brick Walk between Java Central and High Bank Distillery. My Final Photo for February 29, 2024.
Fixing The Flooring
A flooring crew installs new tongue and groove maple strips to match the existing floor at High Bank Distillery in Uptown, which will be sanded and stained for a new durable surface. My Final Photo for February 28, 2024.
Skating Like Summer
Kadin runs her skates crisscross over Haywood Alley in Uptown enjoying both the warm February weather and the smooth surface of the roadway to help relieve stress and get some exercise. My Final Photo for February 27, 2024.
Spring Soil Sampling
Farmer Kevin Scott displays a soil sample bored from a field off Cooper and Collegeview Roads where after having the sample tested will be planting a crop as soon as early April depending on soil and weather conditions. My Final Photo for February 26, 2024.
Into The Wind and Cold
Foilboarder Jim Schneider works to lift his board onto its foil running into nearly 30 miles per hour wind gusts across Hoover Reservoir Sunday afternoon with other boarders. My Final Photo for February 25, 2024.
Piper’s Final Notes
A bagpiper treads away from the American Legion Honor Guard and the family and friends of 97-year-old Donald Conard, World War II veteran and survivor of the Japanese strike on the USS Franklin CV-13, after his funeral Saturday at Blendon Cemetery. My Final Photo for February 24, 2024.
Bovine Winter Moon
The full moon shines through a cloud layer as it rises behind the bovine and lunar weathervane atop Children’s Hospital in Westerville. My Final Photo for February 23, 2024.
Eastbound And Down
A caravan of vehicles crosses Otterbein Avenue as they travel east on Schrock Road in a rainstorm about 15 minutes after sunset Thursday. My Final Photo for February 22, 2024.