Read F8 - The My Final Photo Newsletter
Saturday Lawn Service
Volunteers and Otterbein students fulfilling a community service day remove shrubs and plants from the front of the yard of the Hanby House on West Main before the historic site’s lawn and rock ledge is upgraded. My Final Photo for August 19, 2023.
Carrying The Conversation
A young boy repositions one of artist Amanda McGee’s Conversation Cubes designed to be portable seats and conversation starters in the greenspace in front of City Hall. My Final Photo for August 18, 2023.
First Full Day
First-year-students at Otterbein University gather in Cowan Hall on their first full day at the school where they listened to the University president, provost and other speakers talk about their decision to attend the school. My Final Photo for August 17, 2023.
Freshmen Arrival
An Otterbein freshman carrying some of her belongings is followed into Hannah Mayne dormitory by her family bearing the remainder of the necessities for her first year at the Westerville University. My Final Photo for August 16, 2023.
Reference Work
Muralist Nick Stull references his original artwork as he makes the beginning strokes for the historical mural featuring Benjamin Hanby, William Henry Fouse, and Agnes Meyer Driscoll, on the side of the building that houses Java Central. My Final Photo for August 15, 2023.
Prairie Dock Waterdrops
Raindrops hang from the drooping stem of a Prairie Dock wildflower growing across the path at the Highlands Wetlands. My Final Photo for August 14, 2023.
Afternoon In The Park
A couple steps into the afternoon sun to continue their walk from a more shaded walkway at Sharon Woods Metro Park Sunday. My Final Photo for August 13, 2023.
Uptown Untapped 2023
A crowd celebrating Uptown Untapped fills parking lots along East Main Street closed for the annual craft beer festival in the home of the Anti-Saloon League and Prohibition. My Final Photo for August 12, 2023.
Down To The Bricks At Home
Paving bricks sit exposed on West Home Street after a paving crew milled away the asphalt surface preparing it for repaving this weekend before the arrival next week of first-year students at Otterbein University. My Final Photo for August 11, 2023.
Making A Path
A city electric worker downs a tree in the right-of-way as he and a crew begin to make repairs to a power line behind a shopping center on Schrock Road. My Final Photo for August 10, 2023.
Flying Otterbein Flag
An Otterbein University Color Guard member practices with some of the team at the Alum Creel Park Amphitheater as they prepare for the start of football season at home on September 2 against Ohio Wesleyan University. My Final Photo for August 9, 2023.
Main Street Striping
A Franklin County Engineer work crew paints lane striping on the Main Street Bridge following an earlier sealing of the structure surface. My Final Photo for August 8, 2023.
The Arrival
Afternoon storm clouds arrive across the horizon behind the wetlands at Highlands Park. My Final Photo for August 7, 2023.
A male gathering admires a hotrod Chevy Chevelle sitting in the parking lot of Westerville North as an unofficial used car lot for passers-by to notice. My Final Photo for August 6, 2023.
Ringside Seats
Kids line the Alum Creek Amphitheater stage as yo-yo expert Chazz Miller opens the Amazing Circus Show Saturday night. My Final Photo for August 5, 2023.