Five minutes with an unobstructed view
Business First has a nice set of articles about Uptown Westerville in its Friday edition. You can read about it on the Shop Uptown Westerville blog or stop by A Gal Named Cinda Lou in Uptown to read its copy. I had not yet seen the article as I stood across the street from Java Central with a rather unusual view.
It was a little after 3 p.m. and a brief lull in traffic and shopping cleared just two parking spots in front of the coffee shop. These two spots are usually filled with coffee fanatics or people running to Schneider’s Donuts for a sugar fix. Adding to my pleasure were two customer in an animated discussions sitting at one of the sidewalk tables.
I knew it wouldn’t be long before one of the open spaces would be filled and the unusual view would be obstructed. I’m always looking for better photos of Uptown, especially when newspapers and magazines are writing stories about Westerville. This was a good chance to have photos that were different. Different because they were shot with a telephoto lens from across the street.
In a perfect world I would have had more time. I would have wished for more people along the brick walk to the right. I would have added fill lights along the walkway. The trees would have leaves.
If this were a formal advertising shot all of those things would have been planned. But it would have taken more thanĀ the five minutes I got before a car pulled into one of the parking spots.
Still, I was pleased.
The Business First article’s lead photo is of Debbie Bennati, owner of A gal named Cinda Lou. It was taken by the paper’s staff photographer Janet Adams who I’m sorry to say I missed both her trips to Uptown to shoot the story.