Most common view of a deer

A white-tail deer bounds across a field of corn along Cooper Road. My Final Photo for June 24, 2013.
A white-tail deer bounds across a field of corn along Cooper Road. My Final Photo for June 24, 2013.
A white-tail deer bounds across a field of corn along Cooper Road. My Final Photo for June 24, 2013.
Westerville police officer and city workers prepare to remove a deer from in front of City Hall after it ran into a car and had to be put down. My Final Photo for June 23, 2013.
Westerville police officer and city workers prepare to remove a deer from in front of City Hall after it ran into a car and had to be put down. My Final Photo for June 23, 2013.
Westerville police officer and city workers prepare to remove a deer from in front of City Hall after it ran into a car and had to be put down. My Final Photo for June 23, 2013.