Dr. Metzger in family's log cabin

Dr. Metzger in family's log cabin

 Retired Dr. Paul Metzger sits in a rocking chair in the log cabin that once was his family's home on the Metzger farm in the early days of Westerville. My Final Photo for Oct. 6, 2013.

Retired Dr. Paul Metzger sits in a rocking chair in the log cabin that once was his family’s home on the Metzger farm in the early days of Westerville. My Final Photo for Oct. 6, 2013.

A second photo of Dr. Metzger.

Retired Dr. Paul Metzger sits in a rocking chair in the log cabin that once was his family's home on the Metzger farm in the early days of Westerville,. My Final Photo for Oct. 6, 2013.

Retired Dr. Paul Metzger sits in a rocking chair in the log cabin that once was his family’s home on the Metzger farm in the early days of Westerville. My Final Photo for Oct. 6, 2013.

Photographing the joy and the pain

Photographing the joy and the pain

Prepping for surgery at the hospital is My Final Photo for May 13, 2013

Prepping for surgery at the hospital is My Final Photo for May 13, 2013

One of the great things about having a photographer as a father or grandfather is you can always ask him to shoot you a new portrait for Facebook like Abigail did yesterday.

One of the bad things about having a news photographer as a father or grandfather is he always has his camera and shoots almost everything around him as you can see above.

My daughter explained to the doctors and nurses that I am a photographer, I shoot everything, she was used to it and they should just ignore me.

It was great.