Kevin Heltz, a summer worker for the city, paints a fire hydrant red as the city converts all its 1,000 hydrants to a single color. My Final Photo for June 9, 2015.
Chuck Mers
on June 12, 2015 at 9:35 am
so glad to see that you did not get hit by another truck while standing in the middle of the road on this one.
when I drove by, I immediately knew who would be so adventurous and daring to take such a picture.
thanks for sharing your photos each day……
Chuck Mers
on June 12, 2015 at 9:35 am
so glad to see that you did not get hit by another truck while standing in the middle of the road on this one.
when I drove by, I immediately knew who would be so adventurous and daring to take such a picture.
thanks for sharing your photos each day……
so glad to see that you did not get hit by another truck while standing in the middle of the road on this one.
when I drove by, I immediately knew who would be so adventurous and daring to take such a picture.
thanks for sharing your photos each day……
so glad to see that you did not get hit by another truck while standing in the middle of the road on this one.
when I drove by, I immediately knew who would be so adventurous and daring to take such a picture.
thanks for sharing your photos each day……