Read F8 - The My Final Photo Newsletter
First Cut Complete
The last round hay bales harvested from the Otterbein field on Cooper Road is loaded onto a trailer to be put in barn storage for feeding cattle. My Final Photo for May 20, 2024.
In the Hot Seat In the Outfield
A youth baseball fan partially shields himself from the full sun from his seat behind the left field fence during a rain-delayed makeup game for WYBSL at Huber Ridge Park. My Final Photo for May 19, 2024.
An Ohio Strawberry
A farmer holds a four-inch-wide strawberry that resembles the shape of Ohio he picked from his patch and offered as a portion of the display of his produce at the Saturday Farmers Market in Uptown. My Final Photo for May 18, 2024.
Birthday Splash
Boys take turns showing their best slides in the mud puddle between first and second bases on the Alum Creek Park North baseball field during a break from their friend’s birthday party. My Final Photo for May 17, 2024.
Petting the Pig
A father dangles his daughter over a fence so she can pet a Juliana miniature pig named Hansel at the Spark Preschool end-of-year picnic Thursday afternoon. My Final Photo for May 16, 2024.
Book Time At Alum
Aiva Jacobus relaxes with a book on her hammock strung between two trees lining the driveway at Alum Creek Park North in Westerville. My Final Photo for May 15, 2024.
Overnight Transformer Fire
Burned, charred, and melted sections show the damage to a Westerville electric substation that exploded and caught fire early Tuesday morning. My Final Photo for May 14, 2024.
Temporary Security
Brad Riggs, left, and R L Williamson join sections of temporary chain-link fencing around a portion of the Highlands pool area as they begin installing a taller, more secure fence to prevent people from entering the pool by climbing the fence. My Final Photo for May 13, 2024.
With The Sunday Wind
Sailors took advantage of a northwesterly wind on Hoover Sunday afternoon flying their boat’s spinnakers in the storing, steady wind. My Final Photo for May 12, 2024.
No Watering Needed
Volunteers and shoppers weathered early morning rain for the Westerville Garden Club’s annual sale on the front lawn of the Masonic Lodge on South State Street. My Final Photo for May 11, 2024.
Seedling Sadness
A wilted eggplant seedling is pulled from a tray as volunteers fill tables and shelving with flower plants and vegetable seedlings for the Westerville Garden Club’s annual sale on the front lawn of the Masonic Lodge on South State Street. My Final Photo for May 10, 2024.
Rainbow Umbrella
After late afternoon storms, a pair of fishermen return to the docks at Hoover Reservoir under the umbrella of a rainbow in the eastern sky. My Final Photo for May 9, 2024.

Family Sailing
Brother and sister sailors store their mainsail after a day sailing across the waters of Hoover Reservoir. My Final Photo for September 22, 2024.

Treetop Daredevil
A young girl dangles from a climber’s rope hanging from a cottonwood tree during Arbor Fest in Alum Creek Park Saturday. My Final Photo for September 21, 2024.

Soybean Dining Deer
A buck whitetail deer turns to the camera to announce his dislike for its distance from him and the herd, which is eating soybeans in the Yarnell farm field on its way to the nearby chestnut trees. My Final Photo for September 20, 2024.

Goldenrod Walkers
A man and a woman walking in opposite directions pass each other on a path through goldenrod fields at Sharon Woods Park. My Final Photo for September 19, 2024.

Watching Sports From The Shade
A young boy and man sit in the shifting afternoon shade, watching a soccer match on the Sports Field at the Community Center as others run, walk, and play along the path and fields. My Final Photo for September 18, 2024.

Four Cars. No Injuries.
A Westerville police officer talks with a driver in a four-car crash without injuries at Maxtown and North State Street Tuesday night. My Final Photo for September 17, 2024.

Blue Sky Above, Awning Below
An inspector walks the edge of a roof on a building in Uptown Westerville as part of a routine check of the structure. My Final Photo for September 16, 2024.