Macabre Neighborhood Walk
Mother and child casually walk by a garage door covered with a Pennywise the Dancing Clown mural as part of a macabre Halloween decoration on Spring Road. My Final Photo for October 23, 2024.
Final Hay Cut
A farmer runs a hay rake through the thin layer of drought-damaged hay on the sharp farmland on Africa Road. My Final Photo for October 22, 2024.
Hoover Sunrise
A lone fisherman stands at the edge of Hoover Reservoir just before sunrise to get an early start on a day of hopeful fishing pleasure. My Final Photo for October 21, 2024.
Climbing The Dam Embankment
Karen Palmer and Doug Haubert run their custom-made remote-controlled vehicles across the terrain at the Alum Creek Park Dam in Westerville. My Final Photo for October 20, 2024.
Sunset Play And View
Father and son stand and play at the edge of the high-water mark at Hoover Reservoir enjoying themselves and the view of sunset light hitting the eastern shoreline. My Final Photo for October 19, 2024.
End Of Fall Fishing Day
A woman returns to her car after retrieving the remainder of her fishing gear from a picnic table at Red Bank Park on Hoover Reservoir Friday afternoon. My Final Photo for October 18, 2024.
Sharon Woods Fall Colors
Fall colors fill a corner of Sharon Woods Park overlooking Westerville and the Braun Farm property. My Final Photo for October 17, 2024.
Sunset Trail
A bicyclist makes a return path along the trail at the Highlands wetland, where she traversed the paved path in both directions during her late afternoon ride. My Final Photo for October 16, 2024.
Low Pressure Waiting
With indicator lights noting low tire pressure and a seatbelt warning, a photographer waits in his car for the predawn rain to slow down long enough for him to photograph a store that is set to be closed during a bankruptcy process. My Final Photo for October 15, 2024.
One Hole. Two Trees.
A landscaper digs a hole for a tree in an island in the resurfaced parking lot for Otterbein’s The Point on Collegeview. My Final Photo for October 14, 2024.
The Chosen
A youngster seeks approval for his choice of pumpkin from the nearly 2,500 available at the Troop 84 Pumpkin Patch in front of the Masonic Temple on South State. My Final Photo for October 13, 2024.
Booted For Homecoming
One Westerville South student wears a boot protecting her injured ankle as she poses with her date and another couple on a bench in Uptown Westerville before going to homecoming at the school. My Final Photo for October 12, 2024.