by Gary Gardiner | Jan 14, 2014

An American flag flies in a cloudy sunset breeze that precedes a cold front expected to bring rain, snow, and colder temperatures. My Final Photo for Jan. 14, 2014.
by Gary Gardiner | Nov 8, 2013

A farmer runs his combine through a field of corn as the fall harvest continues on small farms near Westerville. My Final Photo for Nov. 8, 2013.
by Gary Gardiner | Oct 11, 2013

Three active duty Marines salute the flag-draped casket of Robert “Bob” Takacs as pallbearers carry it for his internment at Blendon Central Cemetery. My Final Photo for Oct. 11, 2013.
by Gary Gardiner | Aug 30, 2013

Westerville VFW Post 7883 members raise the flag at the start of a football game at Westerville South High School. My Final Photo for Aug. 30, 2013.
by Gary Gardiner | Aug 30, 2013

Westerville VFW Post 7883 members raise the flag at the start of a football game at Westerville South High School. My Final Photo for Aug. 30, 2013.