St. Paul Sunday Morning – Sept. 2, 2018

St. Paul Sunday Morning – Sept. 2, 2018

Morning dew drips from the fingers of the statue of Mary in her shrine at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic church just as the sun rises before the start of the first Mass on Sunday morning. My Final Photo for Sept. 2, 2018.

St. Paul Sunday Morning – Sept. 2, 2018 – Morning dew drips from the fingers of the statue of Mary in her shrine at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church just as the sun rises before the start of the first Mass on Sunday morning. My Final Photo for Sept. 2, 2018.




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American Issue Installation Precheck

American Issue Installation Precheck

Artist Mathew Gray Palmer inspects a section of the mount where his sculpture "The American Issue" will be installed in the courtyard in front of city hall. My Final Photo for June 13, 2018.

Artist Mathew Gray Palmer inspects a section of the mount where his sculpture “The American Issue” will be installed in the courtyard in front of city hall. My Final Photo for June 13, 2018.

American Issue Issue

American Issue Issue

Parks and Recreation workers add connectors to the pipes that will be used to feed the fountain at the top of "The American Issue" sculpture set to be installed in the city hall courtyard Wednesday. My Final Photo for June 12, 2018.

Parks and Recreation workers add connectors to the pipes that will be used to feed the fountain at the top of “The American Issue” sculpture set to be installed in the city hall courtyard Wednesday. My Final Photo for June 12, 2018.

St. Paul Church at dusk

St. Paul Church at dusk

40 Days of Lent 2013-03-14-0097

Young boy kneels at the base of the statue of Mary in front of St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church at dusk on a crisp late winter evening.