Fall Weather Dampens Braun Farm
Fall Weather Dampens Braun Farm – Storm clouds move across the Braun Farm fields where one of the farm’s tractors and mower sit idle in the early fall rain. My Final Photo for Sept. 24, 2018.
Fall Weather Dampens Braun Farm – Storm clouds move across the Braun Farm fields where one of the farm’s tractors and mower sit idle in the early fall rain. My Final Photo for Sept. 24, 2018.
Bright Moment In A Cloudy Morning – A shaft of sunlight glides across the Otterbein hay fields along Cooper Road as rapidly moving clouds briefly open long enough to brighten the fields and morning commuters. My Final Photo for Sept. 10, 2018.
Working Ahead Of The Storm – Carpenters work under threatening storm clouds to finish a section of roof for an eye clinic being built on North State Street. My Final Photo for Sept. 7, 2018.
A summer storm stretches across the western horizon on a hot summer afternoon as it moves across fields of soybeans and corn near Croton, Ohio. My Final Photo for July 1, 2018.