Assigned to traffic duty

An engineer documents traffic flow at Grove and Main Streets at Otterbein University as part of a traffic study at the busy intersection. My Final Photo for Sept. 10, 2013.
An engineer documents traffic flow at Grove and Main Streets at Otterbein University as part of a traffic study at the busy intersection. My Final Photo for Sept. 10, 2013.

Assigned to traffic duty

An engineer documents traffic flow at Grove and Main Streets at Otterbein University as part of a traffic study at the busy intersection. My Final Photo for Sept. 10, 2013.
An engineer documents traffic flow at Grove and Main Streets at Otterbein University as part of a traffic study at the busy intersection. My Final Photo for Sept. 10, 2013.

Cooper Road farm's second hay cut

Two farm workers ready themselves to finish loading a trailer with hay cut on the Cooper Road farm. My Final Photo for July 15, 2013.

Cooper Road farm's second hay cut

Two farm workers ready themselves to finish loading a trailer with hay cut on the Cooper Road farm. My Final Photo for July 15, 2013.